Omega-3 Scientific Evidence

Let's explore the incredible health benefits of Omega-3 supplements, backed by science! 🧬🔬

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Reducing Triglyceride Levels

There is strong scientific evidence from randomized controlled trials that omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, can significantly reduce blood triglyceride levels.

This effect is seen at doses of ~2-4 grams per day.

Supporting heart health

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends Omega-3 supplementation to improve cardiovascular health.

Relieving joint pain

Several clinical trials show modest benefits of omega-3s in reducing pain and stiffness in rheumatoid arthritis.

Aiding brain development and cognition

Observational studies link higher omega-3 consumption to better cognitive function. Clinical trials show some benefits for cognition in older adults with memory issues.

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With this strong scientific backing, Omega-3 supplements can be a valuable addition to your health routine.